
sâmbătă, 10 ianuarie 2015

10 Years Later:Lorde-“Yellow Flicker Beat”

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Vreau inca din introducere sa imi impartasesc sentimentele pentru Lorde,un exemplu foarte elocvent pentru treaba aia cu respectul si varsta.Ne desparte un an si deja spun ca “tanara” generatie ar trebui sa o asculte si sa incerce sa o inteleaga pe ea si nu un show TV ieftin,o emisiune stiti voi de care sau orice alta femeie “trecuta” prin viata si prin multe alte locuri umede.Felicitari,Lorde pentru ca ai ramas fidela a ceea ce ti-ai propus,ca esti tu si nu doar aceeasi faţã cu un alt nume.

“Yellow Flicker Beat” a fost lansata pe 29 Septembrie 2014 si da,stiti voi bine c-ati mai auzit-o undeva,a fost creata special pentru The Hunger Games:Mockingjay-Part.I.Intr-adevar,asa cum a fost perceputa si de “mai marii” muzicii pop din state care au catalogat melodia drept o compozitie ceva mai matura decat oricare alta lansata de Lorde pana acum,nu pot sa spun decat ca le impartasesc parerea.Mi-ar fi placut chiar si fara versuri,linia melodica singura suna al naibii de bine,dar daca mai pui si versurile cu care stii ca vrei sa identifici atunci cand te gandesti ca au fost create pentru personajul lui Katniss,deja rezulta una dintre cele mai bune melodii electropop pe care le-am auzit vreodata,chiar.Melodia a debutat pe locul 34 in Billboard Hot 100,a primit o nominalizare la Globurile de Aur si a fost certificata cu Aur pentru 7.500 de copii vandute.Atat noi cat si ceilalti pretendenti la un loc in aceasta ramura a industriei muzicale,ar trebui sa o tina cat mai aproape pe Lorde,macar ca pe un factor de risc.


I’m a princess cut from marble, smoother than a storm.
And the scars that mark my body, they’re silver and gold,
My blood is a flood of rubies, precious stones,
It keeps my veins hot, the fire's found a home in me.
I move through town, I’m quiet like a fight,
And my necklace is of rope, I tie it and untie.

And now people talk to me, but nothing ever hits home
People talk to me, and all the voices just burn holes.
I’m done with it (ooh)

This is the start of how it all ends
They used to shout my name, now they whisper it
I’m speeding up and this is the red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart
We're at the start, the colours disappear
I never watch the stars, there’s so much down here
So I just try to keep up with the red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart

I dream all year, but they’re not the sweet kinds
And the shivers move down my shoulder blades in double time

And now people talk to me, I’m slipping out of reach now
People talk to me, and all their faces blur
But I got my fingers laced together and I made a little prison
And I’m locking up everyone who ever laid a finger on me
I’m done with it (ooh)

And this is the red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart
And this is the red, orange, yellow flicker beat-beat-beat-beat
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Vineri:Sex,Drugs and Rock N'Roll sau Behind the Scenes

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Tuesday:Musical Section
Wednesday:Interview,Review or Photo-article
Friday:Sex,Drugs and Rock N'Roll or Behind the Scenes

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