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O sa trec in revista rapid doar
ca “Peace Sells” este prima melodie Megadeth ascultata de mine vreodata si una
dintre primele melodii Thrash ever si o sa ma opresc la asta,pentru ca daca a
incep sa depanez amintiri despre trupa si stilul asta muzical,atunci facem
postarea asta pe 4 parti.
“Peace Sells” face,usor de dat
seama,parte de pe albumul cu numarul 2 din discografia trupei,Peace Sells...but
Who’s Buying?Album care,ma rog,face si el decat sa intoarca cu susul in jos
stilul Tharsh din USA inca de la momentul lansarii in 1986 si pana astazi,se afla
in 1001 Albume de ascultat intr-o viata(carte pe care o recomand),in Top 500
Heavy Metal Albums of All Time,The 100 Rock Albums(Kerrang!),Best Thrash Metal
Albums(About.com)(si alte inca vreo 9 top-uri de genul asta) si care a vandut
ceva milioane de copii,zic si eu.Dar,sa revenim la melodie-melodia cu numarul 3
din tracklist e ceea ce ne intereseaza acum.
Avand in vedere relatia mea
muzicala,mai mult decat personala cu aceasta melodie,voi “explica” in 4-5
randuri de ce ne place melodia asta.Doar intro-ul format din bass si atat te
face mai nervos ca mai apoi sa-ti explice Mustaine cu ajutorul psihologiei
inverse cam tot ce-i gresit si acum,si atunci cu societatea in general.Si nu
stiu daca v-ati prins da,partea “vorbita” se opreste exact la versurile “If
there’s a new way,I’ll be the first in line-But it better work this time”-sa
mai zica cineva ca baietii astia nu-s buni.Sa nu mai vorbim de solo-ul de chitara
urmat de “pauza” de la minutul 2:20.Chiar n-are cum sa devine mai bine de
atat,au scos tot ce se putea scoate din melodia asta intr-adevar.
I talk to him every day
What do you mean, "I don't support your system?"
I go to court when I have to
And what do you mean, "I can't get to work on time?"
I got nothing better to do
What do you mean, "I don't pay my bills?"
Why do you think I'm broke? May be you're sick
I got nothing better to do
What do you mean, "I don't pay my bills?"
Why do you think I'm broke? May be you're sick
If there's a new way
I'll be the first in line
But it better work his time
I'll be the first in line
But it better work his time
What do you mean, "I hurt your feelings?"
I didn't know you had any feelings
What do you mean, "I'm not kind?"
Just not your kind
I didn't know you had any feelings
What do you mean, "I'm not kind?"
Just not your kind
What do you mean, "I couldn't be the President
United States of America?"
Tell me something
It's still "'We the people, right?"
Sing louder
United States of America?"
Tell me something
It's still "'We the people, right?"
Sing louder
If there's a new way
I'll be the first in line
But it better work his time
I'll be the first in line
But it better work his time
Can you put a price on peace?
Peace, peace sells
Peace, peace sells
Sing with me
Peace, peace sells
Peace, peace sells
Sing with me
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
Peace sells, but who's buying?
No, peace sells
Peace sells
Peace sells
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