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Din varii motive(cel putin pentru mine inexplicabile),trupa
Asia a primit promovarea cuvenita doar o perioada de timp si laude din partea
criticilor pentru un numar limitat de cantece,imediat ce auzi de ei venindu-ti
in gand titlurile “Heat of the moment” si “Only time will tell” de pe albumul
de debut cu acelasi nume.Anul 1982 a fost un adevarat regal al muzicii,numele
de referinta ale anilor ’80 abia incepeau sa prinda contur si trupele ce au
zguduit deja top-urile in anii ’70 primeau statulul de legenda.Asia ar fi putut
trece neobservata de multa lume deja ghidata dupa genurile muzicale impuse e
decada ce apunea treptat,dar albumul de debut,Asia,surprinzator pentru multa
lume a fost un real succes.Lansat sub umbrela Geffen Records,materialul a ajuns
direct pe locul 4 in Billboard 200 si a stat acolo pentru 3 saptamani.Primele 3
melodii din tracklist-ul acestuia,”Heat of the moment”,”Only time will tell” si
“Sole Survivor” sunt si astazi pomenite ca fiind unele dintre cele mai bune de
la inceputul anilor ’80.Cu un sound ceva mai diferit si cu un tupeu fantastic
de a experimenta cu Progressive si Art Rock,intreg albumul,dar mai ales “Only
Time Will Tell” se prezenta ca o “anomalie muzicala” la acea vreme-Europe este
doar una din multele trupe ce aveau sa se inspire de la ei.Asia este si azi
pomenita ca fiind una dintre primele trupe rock care,asaltati de curentele la
stadiul de proiect ce aveau a acapareze industria muzicala in anii ’80,au avut
curajul de a incorpora si elemente Disco in muzica lor,devenind azi un etalon
pentru orice artist care se bazeaza pe acest gen.Dupa “Heat of the Moment”,”Only
Time Will Tell” a fost al doilea cel mai mare succes al trupei.A fost in Top 10
US Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks Chart ,pe locul 17 in US Billboard Hot 100 Pop Chart si pe 54 in UK
Top 100 Singles Chart.
Fie ca esti sau nu fan al acestui gen sau nici macar nu vrei
sa auzi,Asia este un “must have” pentru orice iubitor de muzica.
You're leaving now
It's in your eyes
There's no disguising it
It really comes as no surprise
To find that you planned it all along
I see it now
Becomes so clear
Your insincerity
And me all starrey-eyed
You'd think that I would have known by now
Now, sure as the sun will cross the sky
This lie is over
Lost, like the tears that used to tide me over
(Only time will tell)
One thing is sure
That time will tell
(Only time will tell)
If you were wrong
The brightest ring around the moon
Will darken when I die
(Only time will tell)
You're on your own
Inside your room
(Only time will tell)
You're claiming victory
You were just using me
And there is no one you can use now
(Only time will tell)
One thing is sure
That time will tell...
It's in your eyes
There's no disguising it
It really comes as no surprise
To find that you planned it all along
I see it now
Becomes so clear
Your insincerity
And me all starrey-eyed
You'd think that I would have known by now
Now, sure as the sun will cross the sky
This lie is over
Lost, like the tears that used to tide me over
(Only time will tell)
One thing is sure
That time will tell
(Only time will tell)
If you were wrong
The brightest ring around the moon
Will darken when I die
(Only time will tell)
You're on your own
Inside your room
(Only time will tell)
You're claiming victory
You were just using me
And there is no one you can use now
(Only time will tell)
One thing is sure
That time will tell...
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Monday:Free Style Article
Tuesday:Musical Section
Wednesday:Interview,Review or Photo-article
Friday:Sex,Drugs and Rock N'Roll or Behind the Scenes
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Marti:Rubrica muzicala
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Vineri:Sex,Drugs and Rock N'Roll sau Behind the Scenes
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