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Usor de vazut,traiesc si iubesc muzica Rock,respect artistii si conceptul(sau lipsa acestuia).Nu m-am regasit niciodata in nimic mai apropiat de asta si cand aflu de un loc,niste oameni sau o idee in care sa ma regasesc/sa ma simt bine cu propria-mi persoana,automat dau la schimb respect.Un grup de oameni care ma misca pana la lacrimi uneori,sunt Hells Angels.Stiti voi,intruchiparea omului negru de sub pat sau din dulap,doar ca,mai rau,astia umbla in grupuri,fac zgomot mult si ii si poti recunoaste mai usor.Am devenit “fan”HAMC,desi nu e un termen potrivit,e ceva mai mare de atat de prima oara cand am vazut un documentar despre ei facut de History Channel care nu iti lasa loc de “Poate gresesc astia,si ei sunt baieti buni de fapt.,dar asta e alta poveste,sa spunem doar ca respect modul in care orice lovitura,fie ea venita din afara sau din interior ii apropie si mai tare ca grupare,dar vom vorbii mai pe larg despre ei intr-un articol Behind the scenes la care lucrez de ceva vreme.
Axel Rudi Pell este un artist
de origine germana si,conform unei legende nescrise in cartile de istorie,datorita
poizitionarii geografie,e musai sa stie muzica Rock-cand mai intervine si
talentul,deja vorbim de alt nivel.Pell a cantat timp de 5 ani cu trupa
Steeler,ca,din 1989 sa-si incerce norocul ca artist solo.Intr-adevar,pe scena sunt
si Johnny Gioeli,Ferdy Doernberg,Volker Krawckaz si Bobby Rondinelli,dar grupul
este cunoscut sub numele sau.In ultimii 25 ani,acestia au lansat nu mai putin
de 16 albume,ultimul material fiind lansat in Ianuarie 2014.”Forever Angel”
face parte de pe cel de-al 10-lea album din discografie grupului,Kings and
Queens si aduce un omagiu direct celor din Hells Angels,vorbind despre
fratie,dragoste de club si loialitate.Este genul de cantec pentru care stabilesti
de la inceput adjectivele,oprindu-te mereu un “frumos”,chiar este o compozitie frumoasa
si,cu siguranta cantecul meu favorit dintre toate cele compuse pentru Angels.
You were born on judgement day
But you don't care and go your own way
Your living your life and you made your own laws
Fellowship forever, you're freeing your souls
Riding with the brothers
Through the wind and the rain
You're proud of your color
and can feel no pain
Forever angel
Keep on riding
And fight for your rights
Forever angel
Roaring thunder
Through endless nights
Sometimes it seems that you're dancing with the devil
When you recognize that the price for freedom is high
The brotherhood in your life is your highest call
You're the chosen ones, all for one, one for all
But you don't care and go your own way
Your living your life and you made your own laws
Fellowship forever, you're freeing your souls
Riding with the brothers
Through the wind and the rain
You're proud of your color
and can feel no pain
Forever angel
Keep on riding
And fight for your rights
Forever angel
Roaring thunder
Through endless nights
Sometimes it seems that you're dancing with the devil
When you recognize that the price for freedom is high
The brotherhood in your life is your highest call
You're the chosen ones, all for one, one for all
Luni:Postare libera
Marti:Rubrica muzicala
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Vineri:Sex,Drugs and Rock N'Roll sau Behind the Scenes
Monday:Free Style Article
Tuesday:Musical Section
Wednesday:Interview,Review or Photo-article
Friday:Sex,Drugs and Rock N'Roll or Behind the Scenes
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Marti:Rubrica muzicala
Miercuri:Postare surpriza(Interviuri,Recenzii,Articole-foto)
Vineri:Sex,Drugs and Rock N'Roll sau Behind the Scenes
Monday:Free Style Article
Tuesday:Musical Section
Wednesday:Interview,Review or Photo-article
Friday:Sex,Drugs and Rock N'Roll or Behind the Scenes
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